🎥 **もち焼き出し豆腐の作り方** 🍳
– 切り餅(縦6cm、横4cm、厚さ1cm)
– 木綿豆腐(300g程度)または150gのパック2個
– 麺つゆ(お好みの濃さに薄めたもの)
– チューブタイプの生姜
– 小ねぎ(刻んだもの)
– 片栗粉(薄力粉でも代用可)
– サラダ油(少量)
1. **準備**:
– 木綿豆腐の水切りをします(キッチンペーパーを巻いて500Wの電子レンジで3分温めます)
– 切り餅はそのまま使います。
2. **焼く**:
– フライパンに少量のサラダ油を熱し、片栗粉または薄力粉を豆腐とお餅にまぶして、表面がカリッとするまで焼きます。途中で裏返して両面を均等に焼きます。
3. **だしを作る**:
– 鍋に麺つゆをお好みの濃さに薄めて入れ、煮立てます。
– チューブタイプの生姜を適量加え、軽く混ぜます。
4. **盛り付け**:
– 焼いた豆腐とお餅を器に盛り、上から麺つゆをかけます。
– 最後に刻んだ小ねぎを散らして完成です。
### まとめ
🎥 **How to Make Grilled Rice Cake Tofu** 🍳
In this video, we’ll show you a simple recipe for making delicious Grilled Rice Cake Tofu.
– Cut rice cake (6 cm length, 4 cm width, 1 cm thickness)
– Firm tofu (around 300g) or two packs of 150g each
– Mentsuyu (Japanese noodle sauce, diluted to your preferred concentration)
– Tube-type ginger
– Chopped green onions
– Potato starch (can be substituted with flour)
– Small amount of vegetable oil
1. **Preparation**:
– Drain the firm tofu (wrap in kitchen paper and heat in a 500W microwave for 3 minutes).
– Use the cut rice cake as is.
2. **Grilling**:
– Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan. Coat the tofu and rice cake in potato starch or flour, and grill until the surface is crispy. Turn them over halfway to ensure both sides are evenly cooked.
3. **Making the broth**:
– In a pot, blend the mentsuyu sauce with water to your preferred concentration and bring it to a boil.
– Add an appropriate amount of tube-type ginger and mix lightly.
4. **Serving**:
– Arrange the grilled tofu and rice cakes on a plate, pour over the mentsuyu broth.
– Finally, sprinkle with chopped green onions for garnish.
### Summary
By using mentsuyu, you can easily make flavorful Grilled Rice Cake Tofu. Adjust the concentration to suit your taste and enjoy!
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“I have started a new series called ‘Bachelor Meals!’ The theme for the third episode is ‘Veggie Cheese Omelet.’ I made an omelet using mixed vegetables and eggs. It’s very easy, so please give it a try! If you have any other simple and delicious recipes, I’d love to hear them in the comments! I would like to try making them as well.”
0:00 オープニング Opening
0:11 料理説明 Recipe Explanation
0:27 材料説明 Ingredients Explanation
1:18 調理開始 Cooking Start
6:30 完成 ”Complete
6:38 試食 Tasting
7:46 感想 Feedback
8:25 エンディング Ending
8:46 材料説明 Ingredients Explanation
使っているカメラ:Sony ZV-1markⅡ