サイトアイコン Lifeeeクッキングレシピ動画

こんな旨い『豚汁』食べた事がない…と何度も驚かれた『超やべぇ豚汁』大根/低糖質/ロカボ/作り置き/痩せる/大食い/人気レシピ/ダイエット/みそ汁/餅/うどん/豆腐 /白菜 Tonjiru Tofu

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Thank you for watching
I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world


[Ingredients] (Keeps for about 2 weeks frozen) (Probably has about 10 servings)
● 1/2 Napa
● 1/2 daikon radish
● Pork belly: about 500g (chicken thighs are also great)
● Dried shiitake mushrooms: 5 (the broth is really good)
● Carros: 1
● Shimeji mushrooms: 2 bags
● Konjac: 1 bag
● Chilled taro (I recommend chilled rather than frozen)
● burdock root(Gobo): 1 bag (about 1 stick)
● Red miso: 4 tablespoons
● Koji miso: 2 tablespoons (regular rice miso is fine, or if you prefer white miso, you can use that as well)
● Water: 2000ml
● Golden Natural Broth(Of course, you can use Japanese soup stock or any other Japanese soup stock you like.)
● Sesame oil
● If you like, add spring onions or small green onions and shichimi pepper.
● Vegetables of your choice, tofu is also recommended.
※ Use the right amount of water for the dried shiitake mushrooms (just enough to soak them thoroughly).
※ After adding the miso at the end, use low heat, not high!
You don’t need to cook it for very long because the ingredients are not too big and will soften quickly.
I made everyone’s favorite “Pork Miso Soup” today, perfect for cold days.
This is one of my favorite dishes that Ko-chan always makes every winter 😆
It’s a huge amount of food, don’t you think?lol
But it’s so good that you can make it at night and have no more the next night 🤤🤤🤤
The synergy of the vegetable flavor, the pork flavor, and the dried shiitake mushroom soup stock creates a miraculous soup, and with the addition of the miso paste and Japanese soup stock, it’s unbeatable!
I’m so proud of this recipe that everyone who has tried it says I should open a restaurant!♪
To be honest, once you try this pork miso soup, you won’t be satisfied with any other ones.
The soup is rich and full of flavor, so if there is any left over, I would like you to add udon noodles or rice cakes to it!
If you make it at home, even with a lot of ingredients, it’s much cheaper than eating at a restaurant, and the best part is that you can make it with a lot of ingredients 😆
Once you make it, you’ll be hooked♪
Please give it try!


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